The Mens' Shed is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 6.30am-12.00 midday.
Computer Group is held every Tuesday from 12.00-3.00pm; and again from 5pm-8pm..
The Photography Group meets every Friday morning 9am-midday.
And don't forget the Lathe Operator's course commencing at Greeenbank RSL Sub-Branch Mens' Shed, 3/15 Corporate Place, Greenbank on Tuesday 2 February at 11.30am. Phone the Shed on 3806-6086 or contact a Shed committee member. And watch for more news regarding upcoming planned courses on this page.Greenbank Mens' Shed - where it's all happening.
And just to tease your interest:
this seed-cone was made into
something which Nature never
intended; something holding a
surprise that remained unseen -
even to the artisan who made it -
until its new form took shape.
Any guesses as to what this little
object became?